130 William

Aïshti Foundation

Abrahamic Family House

1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East

The Cuyahoga Riverfront Master Plan

Mole House

The Webster

District Hospitals Ghana

DREAM Charter School

Thabo Mbeki Presidential Centre

National Cathedral of Ghana


George Street Plaza & Community Building

Princeton University Art Museum

Sugar Hill Mixed-Use Development

Alára Concept Store

Francis A. Gregory Library

Carriage House

Ruby City

Winter Park Library & Events Center

Nobel Peace Centre

Rivington Place

Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture

Gwangju River Reading Room

The Studio Museum in Harlem

Dirty House

Hugh Masekela Memorial Pavilion

McCarter Switching Station


Idea Store Whitechapel

Museum of Contemporary Art Denver

William O. Lockridge / Bellevue Library

Bernie Grant Arts Centre

Cherry Groce Memorial Pavilion